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Spring Forward Health Reset

Anti Aging, Weight Optimals, Better Sleep, Energy and Productivity

Liver, Bile, Gall Bladder, & Lymph
March 24 to April 14, 2024, or - do a shorter one

What Does It Include?

There are three ways to join:
Bottom level budget is SP Cleanse and SP Green Food plus almost daily support on 3 weekly health explorations $99
1st week explore your toxicity and get suppport to take action

Next level is weekly personal check ins of 15 minutes on video or audio, and add on Binder/Fiber, MMS anti microbial, Iodine, and personal herbal product or blend plus bottom level perks $199

Third level = 5 days per week special hour long Craig’s Secrets of Health Care: Breathing exercises, movements, music, and group support plus everything on other two levels $299
Add on special Spanish Black Radish, and Custom Herb Blend from Craig’s Apothecary

All Inclusive

                                                        Price includes herbs, supplements, group calls, emails, meetings, and group support.

Three Health Explorations over 21 days

First week – what are the 5 Toxicities and what is your toxic load?  What are my tools for checking food intolerances?  

Second week – some simple fasting, exercises, and food changes – not deprivation – to limit possible food intolerances.  A heavy metal and microbial test for everyone

Third week – Retest food intolerances, options for fasting, enemas, daily or full week challenges like all raw foods or all liquid foods or even being silent for a whole day!  How about lie on couch and bed all day?  LOL.  It’s an option!

Products included (first level):

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21 Day Health Reset = easy
for optimum results just do it = no try no maybe's

 There are options based on your ability to limit your diet and change your self-care, and or add in some things:

  1. Do shorter program – GO HERE for a 10 day program.


The Spring Forward Liver Reset  is meant to do the following:

Dredge up old toxins, biofilm/catarrh/mucoid lining, and waste (basically get rid of our “inner dump” or make it more efficient)

Clear Liver (Hepatic) Portal veins and offer to fast, intermittent fasting, liquid diets, and levels of difficulty I might challenge into.

Deep fasting, gall bladder flush, introduction to cell health, improve gut lining and microbial balance.

Another option is simply to take the supplements, and use the BASIC FOOD CHART, no extras, not much effort, and rest alot!


YouTube Playlist of Past Spring Health Resets

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[email protected]
Santa Cruz, California, USA
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Statement Of Fact

Health Alkemy is not in commerce. It is a fictional name made up by its founder, Craig Lane. Health service is not commerce, it is essential. Anyone who contacts us does so with an implicit agreement that this is not a “business” in commerce. It is not a job. We do not collect “income” but receive fair compensation for services. Call it “donation” if you like.

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