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Distance Teaching

and Classes

Get Ahead of the Game!

By consulting Craig, and going at your own speed, you will make faster more satisfying progress than on your own.

Most MD’s do not learn nor practice nutrition.  Some take a few courses and some spend some time but lets talk about “Scope of Practice.”  Nutrition is not an MD’s scope of practice, medicine is.  Therefore on any health case, I am an excellent addition – whether it be cancer, HIV, MS, Lupus, Thyroid problems, digestive problems, allergies, auto-immune – I’ve got what you need.

I’ve got programs and protocols for almost any condition, and I consider myself a Health Detective.  I’m a bloodhound with insights rare.

Heartland Retreat

June 12-13 Summer 2021

  • Welcome to a one-of-a-kind event.  It is a chance to be quiet and introspective, while also being a group weekend offering these many things:

Noon -1 pm arrival
1-2pm Circle Up – plan intentions, pray to the land, brief centering practice by Craig

Before and after Dinner Discussion and Hands-on Plant Experience
Herbs and their value.
Garden time, herb walk, soil health, seasonal planting, discussion amongst all of us sharing widsom and knowledge
What plants do each of us need to stay healthy?  What are each of our individual unique plants and foods?
Why are plants relevant?  The list below are some plants we will go over, please request more if you are attending.

  • Beets
  • Radishes
  • Arugula
  • Dandelion
  • Kale
  • Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Comfrey
  • Gynostemma
  • Nettles
  • Golden berry, berries on site
  • Yarrow
  • Rosemary
  • Gotu Kola
  • Bacopa

Collection of gathered plants, protein veggie or meat eater style, and will depend on weather/heat.
Midday to afternoon
Aspects of Water conversation, watershed conversation in nature and our bodies
Dendritic patterns and playing in the water!!!
Water Fire conversation – water controls fire
Story – telling – w/music, in the Kiva

Yoga on the platoform, or do your own thing 🙂
Breakfast – kitchen is open and we can circle up after yoga, or morning movement.
Planting, relationship of soil to plant health, some discussion on composting, fermentation, alchemy of Nature.
Closing Circle late afternoon for those leaving
Collection of gathered plants, protein veggie or meat eater style, and will depend on weather/heat.
Midday to afternoon
Aspects of Water conversation, watershed conversation in nature and our bodies
Dendritic patterns and playing in the water!!!
Water Fire conversation – water controls fire
​Link to an example page of what Heartland offers – LINK
Food?  We are planning on bring your own or group effort to create some nice meals

Optional stay thru Monday – private time through Monday afternoon
Craig is looking for bodyworkers, and personal assistance for a for support, needing a few people to trade for the weekend.

Food times: Potluck style and bring your own, we will all share as we can.
Lunch Saturday – 12-2 ish
Dinner Saturday – 6-8pm ish
Breakfast Sunday – 8-9AM – but remember kitchen is open 24/7 for self-serve.
Lunch Sunday – 11-1 ish
Dinner for those staying sunday night 6-8pm
Fees?  To attend a love offering of $199 is requested but not required.  Trade and barter are options.  Food = please bring your own…if so please know the food I recommend will be the highest quality for the cleanse and honoring our bodies.  So please check in as to what will be appropriate to bring if you need.  Honor your needs, weather could be really hot, or mild.

Consultations – after/before lectures/classes (Sunday afternoon into Monday afternoon)
See this page for main service prices:  HERE
After looking at these prices, I am sure you will want a special package.
Consultations at the retreat will be 15-30 minutes to determine how to proceed.  Follow up will involve either in person visit, video call, or phone.  See below for package deals:

Special post-class prices and offers:

  • Three one-hour consults with Initial visit (and access to members area for three months): $400
    This is best general way to improve health – this is not for serious conditions
  • Initial Visit with two 30 minute follow ups: $300
    This is best for 1-3 issues and you are somewhat able to cook, have good self-care and wiling to do some investigation on your own.
  • Five one-hour consults with Initial Visit (same benefits as above): $550
    This package is great for someone with a chronic condition and needs support over a 3-6 month period.
  • One-time visit one hour: $100 (no membership)
    For one or two items in health or this is also a good evaluation appointment for lab work, future health trajectory, or work on one issue
  • One-time Initial Visit: $300 two hours (no membership)
    Great for lab work, assessment and evaluation, and making a 1-3 month plan.
  • Seven one-hour consultations with Initial Visit (one-year membership): $1000 (includes weekly text check in for 6 months)
    This is over 3-9 months and better for a chronic deep health case requiring ongoing support and follow ups.
  • Initial Visit with nine 30-minute follow ups (one year membership and weekly text check in for 6 months) $750
    This is over 3-9 months also, but is better for Cancer, MS, Heart conditions, Endocrine issues, Nerve issues, this is best use of “cannot figure out my case.”  In general those put in effort get great results, and this program can help get you up and running and keep you running!
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Santa Cruz, California, USA
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Statement Of Fact

Health Alkemy is not in commerce. It is a fictional name made up by its founder, Craig Lane. Health service is not commerce, it is essential. Anyone who contacts us does so with an implicit agreement that this is not a “business” in commerce. It is not a job. We do not collect “income” but receive fair compensation for services. Call it “donation” if you like.

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