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Craig Lane is my nutritionist and massage therapist since 2005. I had pleasure to know him in this life time, for his best work, knowledge and his great personality .Craig is one of my best friend who I not only could receive healing energy from , but also I could trust him enough to share some of my confabulation. Craig has always helped me via his great work and heart. I extremely recommend him to everyone who wishes to feel better in life.

Naghmeh Hunt

Naghmeh Hunt

Assistant Professor of Persian Literature and Language , MA in Art of Education and Curriculum Designer.

Craig is a knowledgeable and experienced professional who deeply cares about his work. Craig’s success comes from a balanced combination of traditional medicine, alternative medicine and spritiual work. I highly respect him and without a doubt recommend him to anyone interested in health and nutrition.

Maria Wayne

Maria Wayne

Vice President of Talent Management and Global Mobility at Equinix

I had a 24 year old cousin with a disease that kept her in wheelchair, unable to sleep at all, and in pain so unbearable the wind brushing across her feet brought her excrutiating pain. She had RSD and no one has found a cure (nothing on the web). The closest cure: pain meds. Canadian doctors had her on seven types of meds and pain killers for four years, and the disease was spreading. Also, she drank seven sodas a day and ate junk constantly. Her doctors hadn’t touched this issue (well, one said she shouldn’t drink soda). Craig Lane (combined with our chirpractor) changed her life. For the first time in four years she was able to wear shoes and is pain-free. After eight months of direction with Craig, she is TOTALLY healed. The trajectory of her life, her family’s life, my life, my familiy’s life and all of our “legacies” will be forever impacted. THANK YOU, CRAIG FOR “SEEING HER AS HEALED”.

Rodd Sacchi

Rodd Sacchi

President at ATM Concepts, Inc.

I have had the pleasure of working with Craig over the past three years. He started out as a dear teacher and our family nutritionist, and helped give our family the tools to heal my husband from two cronic diseases, ITP and hip collapse (which the doctors said there was no cure). He is now the nutritional consultant for our company, Creative Cultures. Craig maintains a thriving practice called Health Alchemy that embraces customized healing plans for each individual’s special physical, spiritual, and emotional needs as he recognizes the wisdom in multifaceted healing. Some people have criticized Craig of being “overwhelming” to the innocent bystander who thinks they are healthy just because they eat organic and exercise ( I myself used to be one of these). The truth is, he just knows so damn much compared to most physicians that I’ve met, that he will literally blow your mind when you first meet him!

Kelly Dearie

Kelly Dearie

Innovative, Gut-Health Transformation Programs and Private Coaching

I have worked with Craig Lane for over 10 years and during this time I have always been impressed with his deep compassion for his clients. This coupled his nutritional expertise creates a true healing environment from which people are able to make changes they seek in their health while being nurtured and supported during this transformation. I would recommend Craig Lane to be part of any organization that he wishes to join.

Charles Goodwin

Owner, Dakota Health Center

Craig has the knowledge and people skills to successfully address the health issues that plague our society most. Craig’s approaches are preventative, helping to support sustainable health; holistic, and effective. I trust Craig far and away over an M.D. to interpret my blood panel results. I recommend Craig to anyone who wants to take their own health into their own hands.

J. Paul Wayne

Senior Advisor, Organization Design

Craig has the intuitive knowledge of a true healer coupled with the factual data of a science-based nutritionist. I worked with him to help me overcome specific health imbalances which were sapping my energy and wreaking havoc on my digestive system. After several food-based cleanses and by simply adding and deleting certain foods, I learned how to feel better, almost immediately. Craig is the real thing and I will continue to recommend him without hesitation.

Aydin Bengisu

Aydin Bengisu

Owner ProPoints Health/ProPoints Acupuncture/ProPoints Herbs

Craig is one of the best at what he does. I would recommend him to anyone if they want to improve their health and quality of life. He absolutely has changed my life for the better. I would even venture to say that Craig saved my life.

Cynthia Allen

Miramonte High School

When I first went to Craig, I had a myriad of health complaints, not the least of which were migraines for 50 years. I have not had a migraine in a year and a half which is nothing less than a miracle. What I’m most impressed with besides his knowledge, is his timely response to questions and personal attention. He is a very dedicated professional.

Helene Simkin Jara

Helene Simkin Jara

Author, Actor, Director

Craig is a gentleman and a scholar…highly devoted to his work with great sincerity. He “walks his talk” and has helped many people with their health issues and struggles…and I do know that he has had much success in helping others where even doctors have failed. . He has a kind compassionate ear is able to listen to a what the patient is sharing: verbal and non verbal. I highly recommend Craig as a massage practitioner, healer, herbalist and nutritionist.

Kamala Devi Sharre Young

Kamala Devi Sharre Young

Yoga Instructor: Shadow Basics at Willow Glen Yoga

After nine years of dealing with a severe and highly debilitating illness, endless consultations and treatment with dozens of doctors, specialists, alternative practitioners and over 50 medications, Craig Lane has guided me to a renewed state of health and vitality. In less than one year working with Craig and utilizing a regimented program of customized nutrition, supplementation and herbs, my symptoms have been been reduced by 70%. I give Craig the highest recommendation for his extraordinary depth and breath of knowledge, empathy, resourcefulness and professionalism.

Jenny Anderson

Independent Graphic Design Professional

Craig has an amazing wealth of knowledge to assist people in getting to the core of their health concerns. He works wonders with Whole Foods and Whole Food Supplements and can teach his patients how to cook and prepare foods that work best for their body type!

Glenn Sadowsky

Acupuncturist, Weight Loss Specialist, Bodyworker at Optimal Health Acupuncture

Craig is the kind of practitioner that gives 100% to his patients. His commitment to finding creative solutions in regard to diet, lifestyle, herbs, alternative treatments help patients who have been stuck in a cycle of suffering or disease to heal and get regain their vitality. He is a master herbalist. As a patient and as a mentor, I was always struck by how conscientious he is with each patient.

Dana Giggey Pappas

Dana Giggey Pappas

Owner at Dana Pappas Health

Craig is a dedicated, knowledgeable, and very caring provider of health care services. He works well with clients and provides services at a reasonable cost. He will go out of his way to research information on health issues pertinent to the client. He has worked extensively with several members of our family, and has been most helpful to my daughter who was diagnosed with a neurological disorder. She was taking 11 medications which were not helping. Nine months after beginning treatment with Craig, she is showing positive signs of improvement in her disorder! We are grateful to Craig for his many personal and professional skills, and value him highly.

Mary Holleman

Licensed Marriage, Family, Therapist at retired

Craig is an extremely focused and caring healer. He is very passionate and dedicated to his craft. Craig has been given a gift, and he works hard on continuing to grow as a healer as well as a compassionate human being.

Hans Bruning

Research Vessel Mate & Captain at National Marine Sanctuary

Craig Lane is one of the top herbalists and nutritional consultants in California.

Michael McEvoy

Michael McEvoy

Founder at Metabolic Healing LLC

I am really getting a lot out of your new format. I just print everything and dig through it in odd moments. The schedules are easy to follow and I print one to hang on the wall next to the supplement cabinet. The grocery lists help me stay on track when I’m at the store. 

Really Craig – ALL of it is helping me stay on track. So many good articles to reference when I get a chance. 

I’m wondering about the desiccated thyroid- I am feeling high energy on that- I think I’ve taken it the last week in the morning 30 min or so after taking the magnesium and other awake supplements. Or could it be the Umiboshi from you?? Not sure but I’m feeling even better the last week.

Thank you, it’s making this hard journey somewhat focused and planned out for the best results. I feel like I’m somewhat in control of my recovery and ultimate quality of life. I got my inversion table out of storage and will set it up this weekend! Am considering another juicer…God bless your week.

Thanks again,

Kathy Booth RN LE

Kathy Booth RN, LE 7/23/22

Testimonials From 2020 - 2024


Whatever u “did” cast me into seeing & feeling the matrix / seeing the made up construct. I see the artificial game… it’s super artificial clear.

Left massage session with better range of motion, feeling lighter, left foot happier. Zumba movements easier.


A Crazy Bowel Story


​So the story started about a year ago when you first sent me some PDF files about enemas and I was reading sites and watching YouTube videos.  I started by buying a 2 quart red rubber enema bag and I really didn’t know what I was doing.  After a few practice sessions over a weekend, I was finally comfortable taking half a bag and then kept practicing until I could take a full bag.  After that, I changed from plain water to coffee and LOVED the energy boost. Eventually, I tried soapsuds and lastly, mineral oil enemas.  They are great for loosening impacted bowels and handling constipation ASAP.  Each type feels a little bit different on the insides, but they all work wonders. 
I had also read about colon tubes and Bardex retention nozzles, which I emailed you about a year ago.  After I was comfortable with capacity and solution, the next step was to try the colon tube.  It’s a little invasive, but it really works wonders at cleaning  the upper colon out, versus a tradition bag-and-hose treatment, which just cleans out the lower colon.  They are completely necessary and I recommend everyone buy and use a colon tube at least weekly.  As for bardex nozzles, those are great when you are trying to take a larger volume, like 3 or 4 quarts, but you are concerned with losing your water before reaching the toilet.  The inflatable bulbs create a seal around the anus and prevent water from escaping.  I was able to retain enemas for upwards of 30 minutes.  These are expensive so not everyone can afford them.
I’m not sure if I am addicted or not, but I do notice that I feel sluggish, bloated, and have a foggy mind if I don’t take at least one enema per day.  I guess there are worse addictions to have in the world, so enemas is probably a better one to have.
The whole experimentation routine took about 2 months and then I had a solid routine at the end of the 4rd month  So when I say I started a year ago, I mean that it didn’t take a full year to see the benefits.  Results were immediate from the very first enema and after a total of 4 months, my life had improved.  These last 8 months have just been maintaining the routine and living life healthy.
A word of caution though.  In the beginning, I was trying to take too much water.   I couldn’t hold it and would immediately void in the toilet.  I’d only stay on the toilet a minute or two when the first couple “whooshes” would come out.  I thought I was done, so I’d get dressed and head out for errands.  Then I’d have a cramp and would lose more water in my pants.  I didn’t understand what was happening.  I ended up buying diapers and rubber pants (sometimes plastic pants) so that if and when I would have an accident, no one would notice the stains in my pants.  I couldn’t figure out what was wrong for the life of me.  It was only when I reduced the volume of enema and spent more time on the toilet that I finally stopped having accidents.  I’m still diapered at night because I do have some loose bowels from medication and fiber I take, but at least I’m not diapered during the day. Also, my friends  didn’t understand why I had a douche bag hanging in my shower.  I got plenty of laughs but I refused to take it down. It’s part of my life and if they don’t understand it, too bad for them.
Craig, please let me know what else you need.  The diapers are a little embarrassing, but as long as my last name isn’t published, I’m not worried about it.  Also, let me know if you need pictures of any of my equipment or supplies I use.


Craig Lane is a health and wellness expert who specializes in holistic health, nutrition, and spiritual growth. He is known for his work in “health alchemy,” which he defines as the process of transforming one’s health and life through natural means, such as diet, mindset, and spiritual practices.

Craig Lane has a large following online, where he shares his insights and guidance on how to achieve optimal health and well-being. He has also written several books and programs on topics such as detoxification, weight loss, and stress management.

Some of the key principles of Craig Lane’s approach to health alchemy include:

·       Using natural remedies and supplements to promote health and wellness
·       Focusing on mindset and spiritual growth as a foundation for physical health
·       Emphasizing the importance of detoxification and cleansing for optimal health
·       Encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own health and well-being
·       Providing guidance on how to navigate the healthcare system and make informed decisions about one’s own health.

Overall, Craig Lane’s approach to health alchemy is centered around the idea that individuals have the power to transform their own health and lives through natural means, and that by taking a holistic approach to health, individuals can achieve optimal well-being and live their best lives.


-my adrenals seem to be stabilized for the most part
-I have more energy and I’m able to get gentle physical activity like swimming, 10 minutes of trampoline jumping and dancing without  the adrenal crash.
– I’m feeling so much better

I followed your regimen for awhile, and then added in a liver cleanse. I followed that with a parasite cleanse and am now doing a colon cleanse, almost finished.

I’m still doing cannabis suppositories or a THC/CBD gummy at night  and magnesium

In the morning, I’m just doing L glutamine and diatomaceous earth.

I have not given up coffee completely but most mornings I’m down to a few sips.

I still get carb cravings but I’m managing them way better.

I’ve noticed a lot of swelling in feet and ankles and belly have gone down.

Anyway – thought I’d send you an update at least.   I know I’ve dropped off but your care really helped and I wanted you to know that.

Foundations!  So important!

From Satori July 2023 via Health Alkemy Summer Health Reset

Eating habit changes?

I spit things out immediately if my body says no.

On this cleanse, I have not wanted to eat much, and notice I am really asking my body what do YOU  want.
I choose not to eat when my body is not asking for food.
Lately, I eat much less, and often eat only half of the portion I put out to eat.

I am quite clear I need water and often have to ask body: is this a water request?
It is quite clear that if I am able to get my proper water intake before eating
I desire less food.

I am very aware of requests of the rascals in my gut after eating who crave
sugar, and am thrilled to anticipate their departure via my cleanse and fast.
This  is a major incentive to change my food habits.
I am striving for a religious resistance to feeding them sugar –  (like I am feeding the devil 🙂

…to bless everything including my environment – being
aware that this is, indeed, a holy moment with me and myself.

I will make sure I make space in my day so I can chew my
food 25+ times to truly “nourish” myself with a portion of love thrown in.
The trick is to stay conscious. ( & not talking).

By doing some gentle stretches and movements just before eating,
I can slow my thoughts down and move more easily into
a moment of respect and gratitude to honor myself and my body.

If socializing w/folks, I can drink my fluids and eat later.

I am excited about being impeccable !

My goal is to walk hand-in-hand with my body – so aware of her serve to me,
that I can feel good in my whole being about our relationship and can send
her positive thoughts and hormones as she works non-stop to be a healthy
strong and truly blessed going-concern given to me as a gift and
NOT to be taken for granted.

no,  no, no feeling guilty if I slip, but get back on track each time making
a renewed commitment to myself and to my body.

I tell myself to be gentle with my learning curve.
I am thrilled to be waking up to real honest tips about healthy eating.

Having a true nutrition-expert advising me with such deep commitment
and concern is one of my gifts of this lifetime.
I would check in with him before any MD because of his outstanding
success record – even saving lives  (& even advising MDs).

Thank you Master Craig Lane.

From Anonymous Feb. 2023
All my symptoms that I had initially called you about have gone away. I feel back to my normal self in spite of still eating only plant based 😉
You had suggested taking HCL with my meals. It made such a huge difference. It is interesting to note that when I eat an 80/10/10 completely raw or high raw food style diet my digestion is amazing, I feel great, I have lots of energy, and I don’t need the HCL. I notice I still need the HCL when I eat cooked food during the day, but not in the evenings at dinner time.
The iridology exam you did was very informative and helpful. You mentioned there being a lack of oxygen so I started exercising again and doing the Wim Hof breathing exercises…should get back into doing Quantum Touch because that really makes you utilize a lot of oxygen. 

You had also pointed out that the lymph system was congested so I continued doing my body brushing along with hot/cold showers. I figured the exercise would help with that also. 

You had pointed out the inflammation in my digestion so I started taking Zach Bush’s Ion gut support to help seal the gut lining. Also, trying to stick to foods that decrease inflammation and promote detoxification.
Also, you had suggested that my acupuncturist pay attention to my kidney meridian. I had a session with him where he worked a bit with that meridian. I felt a huge shift after that.
Summer Testimonial 2022 Gretchen Aberg
Gretchen Aberg
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Health Alkemy is not in commerce. It is a fictional name made up by its founder, Craig Lane. Health service is not commerce, it is essential. Anyone who contacts us does so with an implicit agreement that this is not a “business” in commerce. It is not a job. We do not collect “income” but receive fair compensation for services. Call it “donation” if you like.

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