How To Eat
- Eat before you get hungry
Hunger is usually a sign that your blood sugar is dropping. Tendencies to overeat are more likely if you’ve waited too long to eat and feel overly hungry.
- Eat at the right time
Eat breakfast within one to two hours of rising, lunch approximately four hours later, and dinner within six hours of lunch. If you have a day job, eat dinner before 7pm. Ironically, you should not skip meals if you are trying to lose weight. Eating properly increases your metabolism, which burns more calories.
- Eat snacks
If you tend to get hungry before or between meals, have a snack. A protein snack just before bed can often help you sleep better.
- Eat in peace
Distractions such as reading, watching TV, noisy environments and dinner table arguments have very harmful effects on digestion. If you are upset, calm yourself and relax before eating.
- Chew well
Chewing is perhaps the most important part of the digestive process, so chew more than you think is necessary and avoid swallowing un-chewed food. 30-50 chews per mouthful ideal.
- Eat slowly
Enjoy the flavors and textures of every bite.
- Stop before you’re full
You’ll feel full about 10 minutes after a meal if you stop eating when the food begins to lose some of its taste.
- Stick to your Eating Guidelines Food List
Stick to your Eating Guidelines food list and your Daily Diet Worksheet if you’ve been given one.
- Drink lots of water
You should drink ½ of your body weight (lbs) in ounces of water, plus 8 oz for every vice (coffee, for example), and an additional 8 oz for every hour of exercise.
- Drink frequently
Your body needs four ounces of water every half hour just for basic functions. Your digestive system can only absorb this amount under normal conditions, so drinking two quarts all at once won’t help. Drinking less will thwart your body’s attempts to heal or regenerate. Eight ounces every hour is a good guideline. Drink eight ounces of water every morning upon rising, eight ounces five more times during the day, and eight ounces of water half an hour before both lunch and dinner.
- Drink bottled or filtered water
Avoid tap water and be wary of well water. Fluoride and chlorine found in tap water, and iron, manganese, calcium and other minerals found in well water can be harmful. When using a filter, make sure it eliminates heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria, and a good percent of all minerals.
Drinking water that is pure is much better than water that is impure. Spring water untreated is the highest form of water
- Avoid fluids with meals
Drinking fluids with meals can compromise your digestion. Sip warm fluids with meals if needed and never ingest cold fluids, as they inhibit digestion. If you drink a glass of water twenty minutes before a meal you will probably find that you won’t feel the need to drink during the meal.
- Avoid certain drinks
Coffee, black tea, pop, beer, liquor and wine all require that you drink additional water to process them.
- Chew Your Liquids
- Swish around in your mouth and mix with saliva for best digestion and assimilation of food.