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Monica McGuire

Self-Healing Lifestyles Health Coach
Address: Santa Cruz, CA 95060, United States

Monica McGuire has helped people to Be Well and Age Well as a Self-Healing Lifestyles Health Coach since 2000, when she became a Mom focused on personal and community health. Amidst 40 years of Health-Enhancement studies, she developed a signature system of Health Coaching to help people replenish our “Fountains of Youth” in 18 Self-Healing Lifestyle Areas.

After specialized Canadian training in 2015, Monica added hands-on energy healing treatments to her work, using vibration-specific light and sound waves. Her health coaching sessions for people who come to Aptos in Santa Cruz can include energy work blended with intuitive massage, Reiki, and more. Added training with Craig Lane’s Health Alkemy programs since 2020 are an exciting addition to her enhancement of Health and Healing for families.

Besides earning an Anthropology degree at USC, she worked as a high-tech Financial Planner, a community organizer, and a PR specialist, adding relationship and communication expertise. In 2021 she became an American State National under the Federation of States, focusing her service work into building The California Assembly.

  Monica loves sharing laughter and her inventions of “Delicious Cycle” foods, plus gardening with yoga-like movements at her “Home Farm,” joyfully eating garden meals with her Integrative Medical doctor husband and friends. She relishes harmonic singing and poetry, plus introducing the young to sumptuous garden beauty, like edible bouquets.


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Santa Cruz, California, USA
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Health Alkemy is not in commerce. It is a fictional name made up by its founder, Craig Lane. Health service is not commerce, it is essential. Anyone who contacts us does so with an implicit agreement that this is not a “business” in commerce. It is not a job. We do not collect “income” but receive fair compensation for services. Call it “donation” if you like.

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