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Jean Sibley

M.A., Frequency Healing, Wisdom Coaching
Address: Santa Cruz, CA 95060, United States

Interested in applying Health Alkemy food wisdom in your own kitchen? It helped me lose 35 pounds and greatly increase my vitality – and would love to help YOU!

I also offer energy healing and wisdom coaching to help my clients become more grounded, balanced, present, and resilient.

My wisdom is distilled from an interesting life that has included studying Mandarin in China, becoming a technology whisperer, raising a daughter on my own, many years of energy healing and affirmative prayer, facilitating inner growth for incarcerated men, volunteer hospice care, teaching English, exploring many cultures, enjoying foodie and healing adventures while backpacking the world, adopting self-care practices, coaching empty nest women who want to rediscover their passion, and indulging my love of story-telling and comedy.

As I progressed through Health Alkemy’s deluxe program, incorporating nutritional support and bodywork, I reached a high level of vitality, balance, and harmony. This photo shows me glowing at my age, happy and fulfilled in my earth suit.


Recreate Yourself

With personal research towards living more effectively and joyfully, with love, success, and more.

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Santa Cruz, California, USA
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Health Alkemy is not in commerce. It is a fictional name made up by its founder, Craig Lane. Health service is not commerce, it is essential. Anyone who contacts us does so with an implicit agreement that this is not a “business” in commerce. It is not a job. We do not collect “income” but receive fair compensation for services. Call it “donation” if you like.

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