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About Health Alkemy

About Health Alkemy

What’s in my bag?

The supplements and herbs you walk away with are unlike most others you might find in your natural food store.  We believe in using whole food, enzyme rich supplements and herbs.  These food supplements took at least 270 days from farm to finished product to you.  Your supplements are raw and concentrated.  The herbs are hand-grown by our founder, wild-crafted from nature, or bought organic from reliable sources.  We want you to know our cells listen to a frequency that real foods sing, and our cells let in these nutrients more effectively without long-term side effects of Nutraceuticals.  Nutrients are living processes (verbs), not chemicals (nouns).  Join us in feeling the difference.  View this link for videos and see how these supplements are grown and made.

Health Alkemy Team

Why I practice Health?

I broke my neck in 1986, age 21 in a car accident.
The doctor said, “I do not know how you are alive?”

Prior to this accident, I did not believe in a Divine Force, but upon hearing the doctor, I suddenly realized if I should be dead, then what kept me alive?

Yoga was my first step in healing.  And I claimed my own health when I did not take on the doctor’s projection of “you’ll never surf again.”  I got angry, and surfed 2 weeks out of a Halo brace to prove him wrong.  And to live – or die trying.

I took many chances in the past 37 years, and was shown many aspects of Health I never realized.  I was willing to make health a “practice.”  Can you?

Craig Lane August 2023

Health Alkemy grows many of its own herbs.  I’ve spent 25 years honing my gardening skills, forage skills, wild-craft skills and sites in Nature.  One of my suppliers is below and some garden information.

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[email protected]
Santa Cruz, California, USA
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Statement Of Fact

Health Alkemy is not in commerce. It is a fictional name made up by its founder, Craig Lane. Health service is not commerce, it is essential. Anyone who contacts us does so with an implicit agreement that this is not a “business” in commerce. It is not a job. We do not collect “income” but receive fair compensation for services. Call it “donation” if you like.

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