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Anna Highsmith

Nutrition Consultant
Address: Santa Cruz, CA 95060, United States

Anna Highsmith has been working in the integrative health field since 2013 with Naturopathic Doctors and Acupuncturists. She’s a certified Nutrition Consultant from Bauman College, a Weston Price chapter leader, a class instructor with Health Alkemy, and a Reiki level one practitioner. 

Anna currently lives in Northern California and she enjoys cooking, traveling, meditating, hiking, reading, and practicing healing massage on family and friends.


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Santa Cruz, California, USA
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Health Alkemy is not in commerce. It is a fictional name made up by its founder, Craig Lane. Health service is not commerce, it is essential. Anyone who contacts us does so with an implicit agreement that this is not a “business” in commerce. It is not a job. We do not collect “income” but receive fair compensation for services. Call it “donation” if you like.

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