Why do some people gain weight while others do not?
Why do some people when they overeat simply have more BM’s and heat, while others gain mass?
This is the General Nutrition Protocol to Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Injection and to Protect from Spike Protein Shedding.
I’ve been leading group 21 day cleanses for over ten years and been doing cleansing and detox as a specialty and personally for over 20. So, with those thousands of hours come some observations to share.
Why do detox and cleansing need to precede repair? Because we cannot build on a sick distorted and weak foundation. We must get rid of the old junk before we can make the new.
There are many ideas about what “detoxification” is. Or what a Cleanse is? Or what or how to define toxicity in the first place? The Mainstream media, the Medical Associations, the ones who lack direct experience are making claims with no experience and improper data from a Capitalist system making…
Determining How to Run Your Body Optimally
Health Foundation I
What kind of fuel do I need? What kind of meals are optimal for me?
The “Paleo” or “High-Octane'' fuel is a Protein-type, and they must have dark meat (high purine proteins) and a lot of fat, such as butter, olive…
Why Detoxify or Cleanse or Fast?
What is toxicity? A toxin is defined as anything that has a detrimental affect on cell function and/or structure. So toxicity is a state where cellular function and replication are damaged in THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. Parts may be affected more than others, but the…
Our intention for this document is to help you understand the importance of detoxification, cleansing, and voluntary austerity/restriction for higher levels of health.
What is Community?
By: Craig Lane
This word brings up many things for each of us. What do you think of when you see this word? Commune was once thought of as a kind of “cult” as a child. My mother would tell me the…